The Finding the Hope booklet and the envelope it comes with, side by side.

Messengers of Hope in Simcoe and Ajax, ON

Finding the Hope, Harvest Partner — June 16, 2023

We are deeply grateful for the hundreds of Messengers of Hope across Canada who prayerfully share the message of hope in Christ using the Finding the Hope materials as they go about life.

The Find­ing the Hope book­let is designed to help intro­duce peo­ple to the life and hope that only Jesus can give. It helps the read­er con­sid­er who Jesus is and how he meets their most pro­found need. You can pass it along to some­one or even leave it some­where to be dis­cov­ered. Learn more and order the booklet.

Here are testimonies from two Messengers of Hope.

Fred is a 71-year-old man who is very enthusiastic about sharing the gospel with others. He had been looking for new avenues in which to serve the Lord when he came across the Finding the Hope booklet.

He says, “of all the tracts I have read, I like this one because it really encourages a relationship with God.” Fred is mentoring a few young men and together they are looking forward to sharing the FTH materials.

At his church, he is involved in a bus ministry that goes out to places in the community where other believers don’t usually go, which he calls the “red zones”. He stated, “It’s my passion to share the love of Jesus with the lost.”

Sabur was first introduced to the Finding the Hope materials by a lady in her church who regularly uses them and is a Messenger of Hope.

Now, Sabur shares the booklets in the white FTH envelopes titled, “A special gift for you”. She gives them to people she encounters wherever she goes such as the Dollar Store and the grocery store. She finds that most people will receive the booklet when it is offered.

Sabur likes the Finding the Hope booklet the best because of the way it starts—capturing the reader’s attention and then introducing Jesus at the end and giving an invitation to receive him as personal Lord and Saviour.

Let’s pray

  • May God bless, protect and guide EHC’s Messengers of Hope.
  • May the Lord prepare the hearts of people who will receive the Finding the Hope booklet. May they be receptive to the gospel.
  • May those who have received a booklet in the past ponder its message and turn to Christ in faith.
  • Please also pray for plans that are in progress for upcoming Finding the Hope community outreaches.
  • May the Lord make a way for the gospel to fill every home in communities across Canada.

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