God’s grace changes lives in Spain

Harvest Partner — June 23, 2023

EHC is known in Spain as Testimonio Christiano a Cada Hogar (Christian Witness to Every Home) led for decades by our dear brother, Jose Seisdedos. Although Jose’s recent responsibilities have expanded far beyond Spain, a nation of 47 million people, much has been accomplished through his leadership there including several whole nation every home coverages. EHC Spain has engaged in outreaches that include home to home initiatives, public evangelistic events, prison ministries, children outreaches, church planting, and more, resulting in thousands responding to the gospel message.

The following are two testimonies recently received from our co-workers in Spain.

Region of Valencia

Our collaborators from the Soplo de Vida Church shared the gospel in different locations in Valencia. While doing outreach they met a 42-year-old man, Jose, who, after suffering a major disappointment in life decided to commit suicide by throwing himself off the balcony of his house. Thank God, he didn’t kill himself, but he did break his legs and he’s in a wheelchair. Upon hearing his case, our Christian partners decided to visit him at his mother’s house where he lives now. They shared the gospel of Jesus with him and left literature for him to read until the next visit. The following week they visited him again and gave him more literature. By the third week Jose accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of his life. Meetings were held in a public park where he brought a friend who accepted Christ. A short time later they began to hold meetings in a place that Jose uses as a garage. God has changed Jose, giving him new life and hope. Now he does the same with others; he has started a campaign to distribute evangelistic literature and others are coming to faith in Christ. This story is just beginning!

Region of Aragon

Antonio, a 26-year-old man, had become a drug addict. His life was a mess and had no purpose. One day, while he was drinking in a bar, Andrea, one of our collaborators in the city, approached him and began to talk to him about Jesus. She gave him gospel literature and encouraged him to visit her church, offering him help to get out of his situation. Four months passed. Antonio continued his destructive lifestyle. One day, Antonio felt that he could no longer continue this way. He was wandering on the streets, deeply broken and not knowing what to do next. Suddenly he remembered the girl who offered him the literature and offered to help him and invited him to a church. While Antonio was thinking about all these things, to his surprise he sees Andrea in a car. Due to his shyness, he did not approach at once but waited on a bench nearby for 30 minutes until Andrea got out of the car. When she got out of the car, Antonio approached her and said: “Do you remember me? I’m that guy you offered help four months ago.” Andrea quickly recognized him and that same afternoon she took him to church. Now two months later, Antonio is in a rehabilitation centre at a church. His life has been profoundly changed. His goal today is to be fully restored by God and, just as they helped him, to be able to help others find Jesus and come out of their darkness.

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