A Canadian flag billows in the wind. A yellow logo for Finding the Hope/Trouver L'espoir sits above it.

Finding the Hope Update

Harvest Partner — September 23, 2024

We are in conversation with church leaders and in planning stages for community outreaches in Québec, Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta.

We invite you to pray that the Lord will guide the process toward fruitful community outreaches in the coming months. Please also pray that God will raise up more and more labourers for his harvest, stir their hearts with a sense of urgency, and guide them by his grace for effectiveness as they reach every home in their communities with the gospel.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 9:37: the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Messengers of Hope in Action

We are so grateful to hear how people are serving as Messengers of Hope, passing along the Good News through the Finding the Hope booklets as they go about life. The following are just a few of the hundreds of people actively engaged across Canada.

Breton, AB

Eva, a senior lady, regularly shares the Finding the Home gospel literature through her church’s bake sales, including a booklet into each purchaser’s bag. This summer she has been handing out booklets to the children in her Vacation Bible School.

Prince George, BC

“My name is Adebukola and I have been sharing the Finding the Hope booklet with people I come across. It has been a great joy doing the work of the Lord with the gospel booklet and I am believing God for more opportunities.

“I partner with my friend to witness on the street. She has ordered these booklets and people are getting blessed in return. I wish to continue with this work. Kindly send me more booklets so I can give them out. Thank you.”

Quesnel, BC

Marian uses the Finding the Hope booklets in neighbourhoods. Recently she shared that she led a woman to the Lord on the bus. She says, “When I saw her, I felt prompted to share Finding the Hope with her. I sat next to her, and we began to talk. The woman was thrilled to receive the booklet, and we shared a lot in our conversation.” Marian indicated that they have made plans to reconnect.

Let’s pray that every seed sown will find good soil in people’s hearts. May the Lord be with each messenger of hope and grant them wisdom and favour with the people they meet.

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