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We met with the pastor and began to look at possibilities. Very quickly, the vision to reach every home with a gospel message came alive. Hope and anticipation began to rise in the pastor’s heart and in the congregation as they got hold of the vision. Read more...
They called themselves “Team Hela.” For two gruelling weeks this group of EHC workers pushed their way toward the heart of Hela Province in the mountains of Papua New Guinea. Read more...
"No one would blame Bogdan if, after what happened, he decided to stop going home to home. Insults, lies, false accusations and being unjustly arrested might deter many believers. But Bogdan finds joy in sharing the Gospel with others, and nothing dampens that." Read more...
The first 22 days of July brought a wave of good news to a portion of the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec. Over 19,000 homes from Nouvelle all along the coast to Grande-Rivière received a bilingual Finding the Hope packet and an invitation to a special evangelistic event. It began in late 2014 in prayerful conversation… Read More…
Get inspiring stories about what God is doing through EHC all over the globe. Mailed in print to Canadians every month for free.