A woman in a poor neighbourhood in Africa receives an EHC package from a local missionary.

Why We Do What We Do

Harvest Partner — June 9, 2023

So much has changed in the world since EHC began its long missionary journey around the globe over 75 years ago. However, the mandate of EHC has remained the same. As a result, the number of people reached and followed up by steadfast and compassionate people world-wide is quite amazing.

We have adapted our communication methods through the years, but you might say that we have stayed on mission.

What we do (EHC with your partnership)

In a real sense EHC advocates on behalf of unbelievers everywhere to have an opportunity to hear and respond to a clear message of the gospel of Christ. The goal is to connect everyone possible, everywhere possible, where they live or go, with the life transforming salvation message. Follow-up to help people take next steps in following Jesus is provided to respondents with encouragement to become part of a fellowship of believers.

EHC encourages and equips churches, individuals, and other ministries to pray together, plan together and work together to reach the lost in their community and nation. We help them connect people with the gospel so that they may know who Jesus is and have an opportunity to receive the salvation made possible by his cross, resurrection, and ascension.

The inspiration for our vision and strategies is found in Genesis through the Psalms, in Isaiah and the New Testament from beginning to end — all nations, all peoples, every creature, and the ultimate result pictured in Revelation 7:9-10, “a great multitude that no one could count from every nation, tribe, people and language…”

To attempt to reach everyone everywhere takes intentional strategy, specific and measurable work, and the supernatural intervention of God in and through his people.

An example is found in how Jesus took the boy’s lunch, blessed and multiplied it, organized the crowd for systematic distribution then deployed his disciples-in-training to feed the multitude. They got it done with baskets left over.

The trademark of our work is to prayerfully provide people with a gospel message in a format they can keep, read and re-read, ponder privately and respond. It’s been this way from the beginning.

When we give someone a piece of gospel literature, we give them something very specific. It’s a message with specific content about what God has done through Christ for fallen humanity. It is much more than a conversation. The written message does not change, whether delivered in print or in digital format. The words in people’s memory change and are eventually forgotten. Having a written message about Jesus, his sacred work, and his invitation to come to him clears up a lot of confusion.

Consider the importance of our Bible throughout history. It is a written, unchanging document. Its message has permanence. In the same way, EHC’s written gospel message stays with people. Since a person can go back to it, faith can rise, and conviction can be sensed. It gives clarity on who Jesus is and how to respond to him. It’s the starting point of a personal relationship with the Lord right here and now, leading to an unimaginably wonderful eternal relationship with him.

Why do we do what we do?

The briefest answer, and the most significant one, is the love of God for humanity. As Paul wrote, we also say, “For Christ’s love compels us…”. We take to heart the fact that God has committed to his people the message of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:14, 19) We have been commissioned by Christ to pass this message along, to everyone everywhere.

The world is in deep trouble, and people without Christ are headed into a horrible lost eternity. In the Word of God, we read that apart from a relationship with Christ, people are lost, blind, bound, without hope, under the power of the wicked one, deserving of God’s judgement.

Jesus looks at the multitudes with compassion. He sees that they are harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd and says that God sent him into the world because of his immeasurable love for people and that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (Matthew 9:36; John 3:16)

For more than 75 years EHC co-workers and volunteers have sacrificed, taken personal risks, and gone to great lengths to bring the good news of what Jesus has done to people in scores of nations. It is that important!

Jesus says that the harvest is plentiful. This will be true to the end, regardless of what happens in the world, just as God’s immense love for humanity is unchanging.

Until the Lord returns to judge the world and to gather his people, we will continue to do all that we can to introduce people to Jesus…people from every nation, tribe, and tongue.

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