A 3d rendering of the globe as seen from space, with isometric clouds visibly breaking the boundaries of the render and the sun peaking over the earth's horizon.

The gospel reaches people in restricted areas

Harvest Partner — August 16, 2024

We regularly receive reports from our brave co-workers around the world. Their testimonies speak of courage, devotion and of the unique advantage of gospel literature.

The following testimonies are from two nations located in Asia. For security reasons, we cannot disclose names or specific locations.

Waiting for ten years

“I was mostly at home busy with housework. On some days there would be a knock at the door and someone who came to share the gospel. Usually, I would respectfully accept the tract but would leave them aside as I had no time to read them.

After we bought our new condo, I started to pack for the move. I sorted through decades of stuff we had accumulated. As I was going through our shelves I saw a gospel tract. I was feeling tired and decided to sit down and read it.

To my surprise, the message touched me somewhere deep in my heart and my tears rolled down. I never realized I had a Lord who loved me so much! At that very moment I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour.

I am thankful for the people who gave me this tract more than a decade ago. God used our moving to let me know him and receive him in my life. I will follow him the rest of my life!”

God makes a way where there had been fierce opposition

“Our district is very remote. It is also challenging to conduct an outreach there. The people are idol worshippers and strict towards their ancient traditions and religion. They have responded angrily to the gospel saying, “You cannot preach this foreign religion here, or it will not be fine with you.” A few years back, some Christians from our church went to this place for a gospel outreach. They were captured by the locals and tortured throughout the night. The next morning, they were released and forced to sign a letter stating, “I will never enter this village to talk about Jesus Christ.”

This incident created fear and doubt in our minds, but we prayed about this whole situation. We had gospel pocket calendars with us, and we thought it would be easier to distribute these. So, on April 26 we headed out to that remote district. We divided into three groups of two and entered the village with prayer. To our surprise the villagers did not speak a word against us. Most of them gladly accepted the gospel pocket calendar. After completing the outreach, we returned home thanking God.”

Please pray that the Lord will prepare hearts to be good soil for the good gospel seed everywhere it is sown in faith. Let’s also pray for the protection of brave Christians who risk so much to bring the gospel message to others.

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The advantage of gospel literature

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Harvest Partner — August 6, 2024