A group of workers distribute EHC materials in Eastern Europe

Jesus is building his church

Harvest Partner — March 29, 2024

The gospel of Christ has been under attack since the beginning. We also know that the power of the gospel never fades, whether it is proclaimed in person or through the printed page.

God’s mission workers, at home and elsewhere, have worked through innumerable obstacles to share the gospel, and they continue bravely in all kinds of circumstances, often risking their own safety. The impact is astonishing.

The mission of Christ-followers was launched by the Lord himself on the day of Pentecost. Filled with power from on high, a small band of disciples was sent into a world of inhumane and godless cultures. The opposition was fierce, even unto death, but they went on proclaiming the saving and transforming message everywhere possible. Until now and until the Lord returns, despite continued and often cruel opposition, Jesus is building his church in this broken world.

Researchers tell us that upwards to 30% of the world’s population profess to follow some form of Christianity. Despite the trends we see in the western world, the church is growing.

After serving the ministry of EHC for over three decades, I am still amazed at how God uses this simple strategy of presenting the gospel message home by home and person to person, and following up with people who respond. Our mission statement is taken directly from Scripture: we take the commission of Christ literally, work collaboratively and go prayerfully.

  • Literally — We go to the “all and every”, to every home, every person, everywhere, reaching every sphere of society, including the broken and marginalized, the addicts, people in prisons, hospitals, orphanages, people in war zones, displaced peoples… the all and every.
  • Collaboratively — We partner with churches, individuals, and other missions.
  • Prayerfully — We mobilize millions worldwide to pray for the lost, for those in authority, for people everywhere.

Here is a recent summary of trackable outcomes from the work done everywhere.

Since the beginning in 1946:

  • 2,679,061,930 homes reached
  • 300,507,169 responses
  • 477,026 Christ Groups established

In 2023 alone:

  • 248,889,159 Gospel presentations, of which 128,514,700 were homes reached
  • 21,229,714 Positive responses followed up
  • 26,959 Christ Groups established

Thank you for your part in this work. Through prayer, by passing along a gospel message, or by providing financial gifts, you enable the gospel to reach people every day.

While the world is becoming increasingly unstable, Jesus Christ is still the Solid Rock, and he is building his church!

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